As a teen in the 1960s, Greg worked as a studio guitarist and vocalist in Southern California, culminating in his singing a million-selling #1 pop record, “Incense and Peppermints." He went on to earn a BA in music theory and composition from the University of Southern California, and do graduate work in musicology at the University of Chicago specializing in analytic criticism. He then began a career in advertising as a creative at Marstellar, Chicago and went on to open his own ad/fundraising agency in Washington DC which he ran for 35 years with clients ranging from National Trust for Historic Preservation, Time-Life Books and two sitting U.S. Presidents. In the 80s Greg studied swing -jazz guitar with retired Bennie Goodman sideman Steve Jordan, and performed regularly with a small Eddie Condon-style jazz combo in the DC area. Now retired, Greg occasionally teaches music history and appreciation classes at Arlington Adult Education.